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RebuilderAI Receives CES 2024 Innovation Award for Its AI-based 3D Content-generating Solution ‘VRIN 3D’

· 등록일 Jan. 04, 2024 09:34

· 업데이트일 2024-01-04 12:40:01

SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--RebuilderAI (CEO Junghyeon Kim), a 3D technology startup, won the Innovation Award in the “Mobile Devices & Apps” category at CES 2024 for its mobile-based 3D content creating solution “VRIN 3D.” You can experience RebuilderAI’s solution at booth #61504 (Eureka Park) at CES 2024, held in Las Vegas in January 2024.

RebuilderAI is a startup that retains 3D Reconstruction and Generative AI technology. Its growth potential is acknowledged and it has secured investment from Naver D2 Startup Factory, KB Investment, and INOX Ltd. RebuilderAI was recognized by major corporates, being selected for Samsung’s C-Lab accelerator program and CJ O-Ventus, and has been building up a partnership. Especially, through the MOU with Lotte Caliverse, the 3D contents in Caliverse will be produced with RebuilderAI’s technology.

RebuilderAI’s VRIN 3D, the awardee of the Innovation Award at CES 2024, is an AI-based solution where users can quickly create 3D content simply by capturing the surrounding objects and space on their smartphones. The essence of this service is the AI technology that recreates real objects into 3D pictures. As AI technology is applied to mobile devices, usability is improved, and the cost is significantly cheaper than conventional scanning devices, RebuilderAI’s SW “VRIN 3D” is being used for scanning various objects such as products and parts.

As of October 2023, the global release of VRIN 3D, RebuilderAI has been cooperating with domestic and international companies and institutes. The recent update improved the 3D content quality and automated process, and it has been receiving positive feedback. The latest version of VRIN automatically retouches the material, mesh, and styling of the 3D model, with this new feature it achieves the consistency of quality even without manual post-processing and produces high-quality 3D models. The user experience is also significantly improved.

Jeonghyeon Kim, the CEO of RebuilderAI said, “The 3D contents market is continuously expanding, and RebuilderAI will pioneer 3D reconstruction market through the steady development of the technology.” He also noted, “We are focusing on the solution for the businesses at the moment, however, we will expand to B2C in the future, so that anyone can easily and quickly create and utilize 3D contents using VRIN 3D.”

Please find the reservation link below for the RebuilderAI booth #61504 (Eureka Park) at CES 2024: https://calendar.app.google/1UMC2f2xJQFPKo9M6

Website: https://rebuilderai.com/ Contact REBUILDERAI
Ji-hoon Song
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