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Deepening “Belt and Road” Initiatives: Remarkable Global Expansion for DENZA in 2023

· 등록일 Dec. 27, 2023 15:30

· 업데이트일 2023-12-27 16:55:31

SHENZHEN, CHINA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--As a luxury new energy brand co-created by BYD, a leader in new energy vehicles, and Mercedes-Benz, the inventor of the gasoline car, DENZA has globalization in its DNA. Not only are all its products designed for a global audience, but it also aspires to be a leading global new energy luxury car brand. Guided by a global strategy, DENZA actively embraces and implements the “Belt and Road” initiative, building a global brand image, honing its internal strengths, and achieving remarkable success both domestically and internationally.

DENZA product matrix. (Photo: Business Wire) DENZA D9 at the Bangkok International Motor Show (Photo: Business Wire) DENZA D9 at the IAA (Photo: Business Wire) DENZA D9 at Japan Mobility Show 2023 (Photo: Business Wire) DENZA D9 at the Thailand International Motor Expo (Photo: Business Wire) 2023 marks DENZA‘s inaugural year on the international stage, with significant appearances at top global auto shows, such as the Bangkok International Motor Show in March, visited by former Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha; the Munich International Motor Show in September, where its European debut was widely acclaimed; the Japan Mobility Show in October, where it stood out as the sole Chinese luxury car brand and secured its first international order; the Thailand International Motor Expo in November, where the DENZA N7 continued its international journey following the DENZA D9; and the Hong Kong International Auto Show in December, where the DENZA D9 made its debut and opened for pre-orders. With a steady and orderly international expansion, DENZA has not only won the hearts of global media and customers but has also laid a solid foundation for becoming a leading international high-end brand, poised to be the “business card” of Chinese new energy luxury cars, redefining China’s automotive industry and introducing DENZA to a global audience.

Beyond its international success, DENZA has also achieved remarkable results in the domestic market. Its first MPV, the DENZA D9, with its luxurious features in design, comfort, intelligence, control, and safety, and its suitability for both family and business use, became the fastest Chinese new energy luxury model to deliver 100,000 units in just 11 months, setting a new industry record. As of early December 2023, the DENZA D9 has been the top-selling luxury MPV over RMB 300,000 for 11 consecutive months and is expected to be the annual sales champion for MPVs in 2023.

Notably, the DENZA D9 excels in both sales volume and pricing, boasting an average selling price exceeding RMB 420,000, making it the highest-priced model among Chinese automotive brands. Additionally, it holds the top position in resale value within the new energy MPV segment after one year, setting a new standard in the luxury MPV market. Beyond its popularity among mainstream families, the DENZA D9 is the vehicle of choice for many modern elites, including national actress Hai Qing, famous TV host Yang Lan, and prominent entrepreneur Cao Hui, all embracing this new luxury.

As a pioneer combining BYD‘s leading new energy technology and Mercedes-Benz’s luxury manufacturing heritage, each step in DENZA‘s global journey not only opens infinite possibilities for the brand but also showcases the charm and strength of Chinese new energy luxury car brands. In the future, DENZA will continue to accelerate its global development, enrich its luxury product lineup, and create an unparalleled luxury travel experience for global users, further supporting China’s journey towards becoming an automotive powerhouse.


In 2010, DENZA, a luxury new energy car brand, was jointly established in Shenzhen by BYD, a leader in new energy vehicles, and Mercedes-Benz, the inventor of the gasoline car. It was the first brand dedicated to the new energy luxury car market. Over the past thirteen years, DENZA has gone through three phases: initiation, accumulation, and innovation. Meanwhile, the Chinese market has witnessed a wave of technological revolution in new energy vehicles, rapidly changing people’s understanding of cars and significantly transforming the luxury car market with the development of new energy. On May 16, 2022, DENZA underwent a brand renewal, embodying three distinct attributes and three leading advantages from the outset. We possess an independent brand, products, and team, and have three core competitive advantages in our products and services. First is the leading new energy and intelligent technology endowed by the BYD Group; second is the leading luxury product quality resulting from thirteen years of joint development with Mercedes-Benz; third is the soft power that DENZA has built to meet the current and future needs of new energy vehicle users - a leading user ecosystem service system. In the future, we aim to create a new luxury and comprehensive travel experience for our users and build a more valuable smart and safe new luxury car brand.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231225949027/en/

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