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Saudi Fund for Development Provides $100 Million Development Loan for the Rogun Hydropower Project

· 등록일 Dec. 06, 2023 10:30

· 업데이트일 2023-12-06 10:42:05

SHAHRINAV, TAJIKISTAN--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--The Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) Chief Executive Officer, H.E. Sultan Al-Marshad, signed a new development loan agreement with the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Kahhorzoda Fayziddin Sattor, through which SFD is contributing $100 million USD to fund the Rogun Hydropower Project, a landmark initiative that will enhance energy, food, and water security, and foster sustainable development in the country.

SFD’s CEO, H.E. Sultan Al-Marshad and Tajik Finance Minister, H.E. Kahhorzoda Fayziddin Sattor commemorate $100 million development loan agreement. (Photo: AETOSWire) The signing was attended by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Waleed Al-Reshiadan, and the Ambassador of Tajikistan to Saudi Arabia, H.E. Akram Karimi, alongside other officials from both sides.

SFD’s development loan will help contribute towards a more sustainable and equitable food and water future for Tajikistan, while driving the country’s energy transition and climate resilience.

The project aims to contribute to the national energy security and will help advance sustainable development in the Republic of Tajikistan, by providing the renewable electricity supply to meet local demand and expand electricity production domestically and regionally, producing 3600 MW of energy. The loan agreement will also finance the construction of a 335-meter-tall dam, which will enhance irrigation capabilities and bolster agricultural activities across the country.

Additionally, the project will improve flood protection through the construction of four hydraulic tunnels for diversion and drainage. It will also provide clean and drinkable water to people through desalination, and help advance socio-economic development, by creating both direct and indirect jobs.

Importantly, this project also supports the realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); specifically, SDG 2, Zero Hunger, SDG 6, Clean Water and Sanitation, and SDG 7, Affordable and Clean Energy.

On this occasion, the CEO of SFD, H.E. Sultan Al-Marshad, said: “Today’s signing marks a major milestone in our shared journey towards a more sustainable future. With this landmark development loan, SFD is not just supporting Tajikistan’s energy future, but also its sustainable development and the well-being of its people. The Rogun Hydropower Project is a beacon of hope for a bright future that is powered by clean, renewable energy. It will propel Tajikistan towards environmental stewardship and prosperity.”

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Twitter: @SaudiFund_Dev
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Facebook: SaudiFundDev
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Source: AETOSWire

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231205003776/en/

Website: https://www.sfd.gov.sa/en/ View Korean version of this release Contact Saudi Fund for Development
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Director General: Corporate Communications
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Director: Media Relations
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