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Quectel Lights Up Enlit Europe 2023 with Products and Customer Devices Helping to Accelerate Smart Energy Solutions

· 등록일 Nov. 29, 2023 10:45

· 업데이트일 2023-12-12 15:06:36

PARIS--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, will be showcasing its comprehensive range of modules and antennas at its stand at Enlit Europe, Booth No. 7.2 J123. In addition, Quectel will be sharing details about use cases that are helping to accelerate the roll-out of smart energy solutions around the world

Enlit Europe 2023 expects to welcome more than 12,000 visitors, over 700 international exhibitors and 500 speakers across two conference stages. The event addresses every aspect of the energy agenda and focuses on the people, projects and technologies that are shaping the transformation of the energy sector.

“We’re excited to be bringing our modules, antennas and evaluation kits to Enlit Europe 2023 so visitors can see and learn about our products,” said Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions. “It’s even more exciting to be at the event with our customers and their devices to showcase the real-world applications we are helping to enable and to share our iSIM demonstrations. We look forward to welcoming you to Booth No. 7.2 J123.”

Quectel will have a wide range of its LTE Cat 1 and Cat 4, 5G Sub-6 GHz and RedCap, and smart modules on display. In addition, popular Quectel Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules plus the FGH100M Wi-Fi HaLow module will be on the stand. Quectel Cat-M, narrowband and EGPRS LPWA modules and modules from the company’s satellite and GNSS portfolio will also be showcased.

A comprehensive range of antennas to meet a wide variety of use cases will also be exhibited. These include Quectel’s 5G and 4G/LTE antennas, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth antennas, and the YEMN016AA 5-in-1 5G/4G and GNSS combo antenna.

For developers, Quectel will also be demonstrating its popular evaluation kits for UMTS and LTE, Wi-Fi, 5G and smart modules.

Illustrating the variety of devices Quectel products are integrated into will be customer devices on display from Andra, which has two devices deployed in the European market, Voltalis, which has developed an energy efficiency and purchasing power solution, while Aurum’s EnergyGRIP will be demonstrating an energy monitoring and control IoT device and Fludia will be showcasing smart energy components.

In addition to these devices, Quectel will be demonstrating a virtual SIM (vSIM) solution available to its European customers. Based on the Quectel EG915U module with vSIM, the demo illustrates three IoT cases including smart home for monitoring, smart city for tracking and medical for elderly care. The demo board includes temperature and humidity sensors, an ambient light sensor and a heart rate and oximeter sensor. Additional sensors such as O2 or gesture sensors can be added and users can access features such as the service dashboard, SIM management, rule management and reporting functions.

About Quectel

Quectel’s passion for a smarter world drives us to accelerate IoT innovation. A highly customer-centric organization, we are a global IoT solutions provider backed by outstanding support and services. Our growing global team of 5,900 professionals sets the pace for innovation in cellular, GNSS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules as well as antennas and services.

With regional offices and support across the globe, our international leadership is devoted to advancing IoT and helping build a smarter world.

For more information, please visit: www.quectel.com, LinkedIn, Facebook, and X.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231128333124/en/

Website: https://www.quectel.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact Quectel Wireless Solutions
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