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DNIB.com Reports Internet Has 359.3 Million Domain Name Registrations at the End of the Third Quarter of 2023

· 등록일 Nov. 16, 2023 10:15

· 업데이트일 2023-12-12 15:32:15

RESTON, VA.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), a global provider of critical internet infrastructure and domain name registry services, today announced that, according to the latest Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report from DNIB.com, the third quarter of 2023 closed with 359.3 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains (TLDs), an increase of 2.7 million domain name registrations, or 0.8%, compared to the second quarter of 2023. Domain name registrations also increased by 8.5 million, or 2.4%, year over year.

The .com and .net TLDs had a combined total of 173.9 million domain name registrations in the domain name base at the end of the third quarter of 2023, a decrease of 0.5 million domain name registrations, or 0.3%, compared to the second quarter of 2023. The .com and .net TLDs had a combined decrease of 0.2 million domain name registrations, or 0.1%, year over year. As of Sept. 30, 2023, the .com domain name base totaled 160.8 million domain name registrations and the .net domain name base totaled 13.2 million domain name registrations.

New .com and .net domain name registrations totaled 9.9 million at the end of the third quarter of 2023, compared to 9.9 million domain name registrations at the end of the third quarter of 2022.

Total country-code TLD (ccTLD) domain name registrations were 138.1 million at the end of the third quarter of 2023, an increase of 1.0 million domain name registrations, or 0.8%, compared to the second quarter of 2023. ccTLDs increased by 5.4 million domain name registrations, or 4.1%, year over year. The top 10 ccTLDs as of Sept. 30, 2023, were .cn, .de, .uk, .nl, .ru, .br, .au, .fr, .eu, and .it.

Information about the statistical methodology used in creating the Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report and DNIB.com’s dashboards is available here.

About DNIB.com

DNIB.com, sponsored by Verisign, provides global statistical and analytical research and data on the domain name industry, plus analyses of key policy, security, and technology trends. The latest Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report, previous reports, and interactive dashboards with expanded domain name industry data are all available at DNIB.com.

About Verisign

Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN), a global provider of critical internet infrastructure and domain name registry services, enables internet navigation for many of the world’s most recognized domain names. Verisign helps enable the security, stability, and resiliency of the Domain Name System and the internet by providing root zone maintainer services, operating two of the 13 global internet root servers, and providing registration services and authoritative resolution for the .com and .net top-level domains, which support the majority of global e-commerce. To learn more please visit verisign.com.


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