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Kioxia Announces Completion of New Flash Memory Manufacturing Building in Kitakami Plant

· 등록일 Aug. 02, 2024 15:00

· 업데이트일 2024-08-03 00:01:14

TOKYO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Kioxia Corporation, a world leader in memory solutions, today announced that the building construction of Fab2 (K2) of its industry-leading Kitakami Plant was completed in July. K2 is the second flash memory manufacturing facility at the Kitakami Plant in the Iwate Prefecture of Japan. As demand is recovering, the company will gradually make capital investments while closely monitoring flash memory market trends. Kioxia plans to start operation at K2 in the fall of Calendar Year 2025.

Kitakami Plant (K2 is on the left, K1 is on the right) (Photo: Business Wire) In addition, some administration and engineering departments will move into a new administration building located adjacent to K2 beginning in November 2024 to oversee the operation of K2.

A portion of investment for K2 will be subsidized by the Japanese government according to the plan approved in February 2024.

Under its mission of “uplifting the world with ‘memory’”, Kioxia is committed to capturing flash memory market opportunities for growing demand for AI applications and datacenters. Kioxia will continue to proactively implement initiatives to enhance its research and development capabilities of flash memory and implement agile capital investments in line with market trends.


This announcement has been prepared to provide information on our business and does not constitute or form part of an offer or invitation to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for or otherwise acquire any securities in any jurisdiction or an inducement to engage in investment activity nor shall it form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract thereof.

Information in this document, including product prices and specifications, content of services and contact information, is correct on the date of the announcement but is subject to change without prior notice.

About Kioxia

Kioxia is a world leader in memory solutions, dedicated to the development, production and sale of flash memory and solid-state drives (SSDs). In April 2017, its predecessor Toshiba Memory was spun off from Toshiba Corporation, the company that invented NAND flash memory in 1987. Kioxia is committed to uplifting the world with memory by offering products, services and systems that create choice for customers and memory-based value for society. Kioxia's innovative 3D flash memory technology, BiCS FLASH™, is shaping the future of storage in high-density applications, including advanced smartphones, PCs, SSDs, automotive and data centers.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240731155141/en/

Website: https://www.kioxia.com/en-jp/top.html Contact Kioxia Corporation
Kota Yamaji
Public Relations
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Kioxia Corporation. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Kioxia Corporation News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 키오시아, 기타카미 공장에 새로운 플래시 메모리 제조 건물 완공 메모리 솔루션 분야의 세계적 리더인 키오시아(Kioxia Corporation) 가 업계를 선도하는 기타카미 공장(Kitakami Plant)의 Fab2(K2) 건물 공사가 7월에 완료되었다고 1일(현지 시간) 발표했다. K2는 일본 이와테현 기타카미 공장에 위치한 두 번째 플래시 메모리 제조 시설이다. 수요가 회복되어 가면서 키오... 8월 2일 15:00 Kioxia Honored by FMS With Lifetime Achievement Award for 3D NAND Flash Invention Kioxia Corporation , the inventor of NAND flash memory, is the recipient of the FMS: the Future of Memory and Storage Lifetime Achievement Award for 2024. The Kioxia engineering team, consisting of Hideaki Aochi, Ryota Katsumata, Masaru Kito, Masaru Kido, and Hiroyasu Tanaka, will accep... 7월 26일 13:50 ... More  More News Technology Semiconductor Establishment Overseas Kioxia Corporation All News Releases 
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