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Boston Oncology and King Fahd Medical City (KFMC) Partner to Advance Localized Cell & Gene Therapy in Saudi Arabia

· 등록일 Aug. 01, 2024 15:30

· 업데이트일 2024-08-02 00:00:19

CAMBRIDGE, MASS. & RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--In a landmark initiative poised to transform healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Boston Oncology and King Fahd Medical City (KFMC) have signed a Letter of Intent to collaborate on the localization of Cell & Gene Therapy.

Representatives from Boston Oncology and King Fahd Medical City (KFMC), along with His Excellency Eng. Abdulaziz AlRamaih, Deputy Minister of Health for Planning and Development, at the signing ceremony for the partnership to advance localized Cell & Gene Therapy in Saudi Arabia. (Photo: Business Wire) The signing ceremony, attended by His Excellency Eng. Abdulaziz AlRamaih, Deputy Minister of Health for Planning and Development, marks a significant step forward in advancing the Kingdom’s medical capabilities and achieving the ambitious goals set forth in Vision 2030.

A Milestone in Healthcare Transformation

Dr. Fahad Al-Ghofaili, KFMC CEO, expressed his enthusiasm: “Localizing Cell & Gene Therapy in KFMC is an important step to increase local capabilities in advanced treatments and medical technologies, contributing to the goals of the Healthcare Transformation Project.” [Translated from Arabic]

Impact for Patients

Boston Oncology, renowned for its customer-centered model, brings extensive expertise in localizing technology. Laser-focused on the real-world needs of patients and hospitals, Boston Oncology is positioned to provide cutting-edge technologies and Cell & Gene Therapies through this partnership. This collaboration will establish a local treatment option, relieving bottlenecks in therapy provision and improving patient outcomes. The resulting Research & Development and clinical trials will significantly contribute to innovative advancements in the healthcare sector of Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Abdullah Baaj, CEO of Boston Oncology, described the partnership: “KFMC brings world-class clinicians and infrastructure, making it a destination for patients throughout the region. Joining forces to localize Cell & Gene Therapy is a transformative step towards our mission to impact the lives of one billion patients.”

About Boston Oncology Cell & Gene Therapy

Boston Oncology is an innovative life science company with a mission to impact the lives of one billion patients by 2030. With corporate headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and operations throughout the world, the company is focused on bringing patient-centered solutions and advanced treatment modalities to growing markets. Its new Cell & Gene Therapy entity establishes a fully localized offering to deliver personalized treatments that address the unique genetic profiles of patients. By partnering with leading medical institutions and leveraging leading-edge technologies, Boston Oncology CGT is expanding the company’s legacy of transformative advancements in healthcare.

Learn more at https://bostononcology.com/.

About King Fahd Medical City

King Fahad Medical City (KFMC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, stands as one of the largest and most rapidly expanding medical complexes in the Middle East, with a capacity of 1,200 beds. Operating within the second health cluster, KFMC consists of four hospitals and four specialized medical centers, offering comprehensive healthcare services. Known for its advanced medical technologies and high standard of care, KFMC serves over 30,000 inpatients and 500,000 outpatients annually. The institution is committed to excellence in clinical services, medical education, research, and continuous improvement in healthcare.

Learn more at https://www.kfmc.med.sa/.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240731424463/en/

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