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NORMA Group Working With Kinaxis to Orchestrate its Supply Chain

· 등록일 Jul. 19, 2024 15:40

· 업데이트일 2024-07-20 00:01:31

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Kinaxis® Inc. (TSX: KXS), a global leader in end-to-end supply chain orchestration, today announced that NORMA Group, a leading provider of the world’s innovative clamps, connectors and fluid systems is working with Kinaxis to bring agility, transparency and speed to its supply chain.

Germany-based NORMA Group operates 25 manufacturing plants globally, developing secure clamps and connectors that are integral to the manufacturing of machines, vehicles and engines within the water management, agricultural, aviation, chemical, sanitary and automotive industries. With the cause for disruptions in manufacturing ranging from geopolitics to regulatory changes and everything in between, NORMA Group selected a solution that would account for any challenge and reflects best practices to help navigate industry-specific nuances.

“Kinaxis checked all the right boxes for us on a technical level, they also aligned with us on our sustainability values and passion for innovation,” said Wolfgang Geiger, executive vice president group purchasing & supply chain management at NORMA Group. “Every decision we make is to do better by our over 10,000 customers who are relying on us for critical joining solutions and we are thrilled to be able to provide a more efficient supply chain for our customers with Kinaxis.”

“We’re seeing more regulatory changes around the globe that are directly impacting manufacturers, making it difficult for supply chain leaders to stay on time and on budget - being able to adapt to these changes as they come and plan for whatever might be next, will be a gamechanger for NORMA Group,” said Claire Rychlewski, chief sales officer at Kinaxis. “We are excited to work with their team and help them bring their supply chain to the next level.”

Kinaxis’ AI-powered software allows companies to orchestrate their supply chain network end to end, from strategic planning to last-mile delivery. Kinaxis’ technology helps companies that supply the agricultural industry with 40% of the world's tractors, that keep more than 110 billion teeth clean each year and that ensures more than 35 million pets are fed nutritious meals each year.

To learn more about Kinaxis and its supply chain management solutions, please visit Kinaxis.com.

About Kinaxis

Kinaxis is a global leader in modern supply chain orchestration. We serve supply chains and the people who manage them in service of humanity. Our software is trusted by renowned global brands to provide the agility and predictability needed to navigate today’s volatility and disruption. We combine our patented concurrency technique with a human-centered approach to AI to empower businesses of all sizes to manage their end-to-end supply chain network, from multi-year strategic planning through down-to-the-second execution and last-mile delivery. For more news and information, please visit kinaxis.com or follow us on LinkedIn.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240718753990/en/

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Jaime Cook
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Investor Relations
Rick Wadsworth
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