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PMC Biogenix Announces Expansion and Restructure

· 등록일 Jun. 23, 2024 13:40

· 업데이트일 2024-06-24 00:00:03

MEMPHIS, TENN.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--PMC Biogenix, the leading sustainable producer of specialty fatty amides and high-value biobased products, announces the construction and expansion of its new Armoslip® facility in Gyeongju, South Korea allowing for a production capacity increase of 50%. Construction will begin late 2024 with new supply available by mid-2026.

“We are excited to announce plans to build a new facility in Gyeongju. This investment will allow us to significantly increase production capacity to meet growing customer demand for our Armoslip products,” said Debtosh Chakrabarti, President, PMC Group N.A., Inc. Adding, “This project solidifies our commitment as the industry leader, delivering products and solutions to our customers, as well as to the local Gyeongju community. We appreciate the continued support of the Gyeongju, South Korea local government, community, and our customers.”

As part of PMC’s ongoing commitment of ensuring long-term sustainability and success of the Biogenix business world-wide, a comprehensive strategic product review of the Memphis facility was conducted resulting in a focus on higher value Fatty Amides and Bisamides (Armoslip® and Kemamide®), Glycerol Esters (Kemester®), Metallic Stearates (Lubrazinc®), and Specialty Esters (Kemester®) and the decision to exit the merchant market for certain commodity bulk fatty acids. This restructuring will enhance operational efficiencies, focus on core strengths, align resources with market demand and bolster PMC’s oleochemical derivatives business.

About PMC

PMC Group is a growth oriented, diversified, global chemicals and plastics company dedicated to innovative solutions to everyday needs in a broad range of end markets including plastics, consumer products, electronics, paints, packaging, personal care, food, automotive and pharmaceuticals. The Company was built on a sustainable model of growth through innovation while promoting social good. PMC operates from a global manufacturing, innovation and marketing platform with facilities in the Americas, Europe and Asia. More information about PMC and its activities around the world can be found at www.pmc-group.com.

Website: http://www.pmc-group.com View Korean version of this release Contact PMC Biogenix
Clarke McGuire
+1 856-638-2807
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by PMC Biogenix. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. PMC Biogenix News ReleasesSubscribeRSS PMC바이오제닉스, 확장 및 구조 조정 발표 지방 아미드 및 고가치 바이오 기반 제품의 지속 가능한 생산업체인 전문 PMC바이오제닉스(PMC Biogenix)가 한국 경주에 아모슬립(Armoslip®) 신규 시설을 건설 및 확장해 생산 용량이 50% 증가하게 됐다고 발표했다. 건설은 2024년 말에 시작되어 2026년 중반이면 새로운 공급이 가능해진다. PMC 그룹(PMC Gr... 6월 23일 13:40 PMC to Increase Fatty Amide Slip Agent Capacity PMC Biogenix, a wholly owned subsidiary of PMC Group, announced plans to invest in the expansion of its manufacturing capacity for fatty amide slip agents at its production facility in Gyeongju, South Korea. The project will increase PMC’s manufacturing capacity at the site by 30% and w... 2016년 1월 6일 15:55 ... More  More News Heavy Industries Construction Chemicals Coporate Expansion Overseas PMC Biogenix All News Releases 
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