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MultiBank Group Recognized as Top BaFin-Regulated Forex Broker

· 등록일 Jun. 16, 2024 10:20

· 업데이트일 2024-06-17 00:00:02

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--MultiBank Group is thrilled to announce its recognition as a top BaFin-regulated forex broker by FXEmpire, a leading financial markets authority. This prestigious accolade highlights MultiBank Group's unwavering commitment to excellence, security, and innovation in the forex trading industry.

Top BaFin regulated forex broker 2024 (Graphic: Business Wire) About BaFin: Regulating German Financial Markets

BaFin, Germany‘s Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, oversees the country’s banking, securities, and insurance sectors. It ensures fair and transparent operations in the forex and CFD markets by enforcing rigorous standards.

Selection Methodology

FXEmpire's methodology for selecting the best BaFin-regulated brokers includes:

· Regulation Verification: Ensuring each broker is BaFin-regulated, providing traders with high-level protection.
· Cost Efficiency: Brokers offering low fees, including spreads, commissions, swaps, and non-trading fees.
· User-Friendly Platforms: Emphasis on brokers with intuitive and feature-rich trading platforms.
· Localization Options: Brokers that offer EUR as a base currency, local offices, and German-language customer support.

FXEmpire‘s team of experts, with extensive hands-on forex trading experience, meticulously examined and analyzed each broker’s strengths and weaknesses to select the best BaFin-regulated forex brokers across various categories.

MultiBank Group's Excellence in Forex Trading

MultiBank Group‘s recognition as a top BaFin-regulated forex broker underscores its dedication to providing traders with superior services and robust security measures. The Group’s innovative trading solutions, including its all-in-one user-friendly app, are setting new benchmarks in the industry. MultiBank Group strives for outstanding service, ensuring its clients have access to the best trading experience possible.

Looking Forward

MultiBank Group remains committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the forex trading world. The Group is constantly exploring new technologies and strategies to further enhance its offerings, ensuring that traders always have access to the most advanced and secure trading tools available. This recognition by FXEmpire is a testament to the Group‘s relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering dedication to its clients’ success.


Founded in California, USA, in 2005, MultiBank Group has grown to command a daily trading volume exceeding $12.1 billion, serving over 1 million customers. MultiBank Group has matured into one of the largest online financial derivatives providers globally, offering an array of brokerage services and asset management solutions. The group’s award-winning trading platforms offer up to 500:1 leverage on a diverse range of products, including Forex, Metals, Shares, Commodities, Indices, and Digital Assets. For more information, visit https://multibankfx.com

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240614306878/en/

Website: https://www.mexgroup.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact MultiBank Group
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This news is a press release provided by MultiBank Group. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. MultiBank Group News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 멀티뱅크 그룹, BaFin이 규제하는 최고의 외환 브로커로 인정받아 멀티뱅크 그룹(MultiBank Group)이 선도적인 금융 시장 당국인 FXEmpire에 의해 최고의 BaFin 규제 외환 브로커로 인정받았다고 발표하게 되어 기뻐하고 있다. 이 권위 있는 영예는 외환 거래 업계의 우수성, 보안 및 혁신에 대한 멀티뱅크 그룹의 확고한 약속을 강조한다. BaFin 소개: 독일 금융시장 규제 Ba... 6월 16일 10:20 MultiBank Group Receives “Best Global Forex Broker” Award at Forex Traders Summit Dubai 2024 MultiBank Group, a leading forex broker, has achieved a significant milestone by clinching the prestigious “Best Global Forex Broker” award at the highly acclaimed Forex Traders Summit Dubai 2024. This achievement solidifies MultiBank Group’s position as a trailblazer in the global fina... 5월 29일 11:40 ... More  More News Finance Banking & Financial Service Awards Overseas MultiBank Group All News Releases 
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