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OPEX® Corporation Named 2024 Sortation System Innovation of the Year by SupplyTech Breakthrough

· 등록일 Jun. 14, 2024 11:40

· 업데이트일 2024-06-15 00:00:26

MOORESTOWN, N.J.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--OPEX® Corporation, a global leader in Next Generation Automation for warehouse, document and mail automation, has been selected by the SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards program as the winner of the 2024 Sortation System Innovation of the Year Award for OPEX Sure Sort® X with OPEX Xtract™.

This annual awards program is conducted by SupplyTech Breakthrough, a leading independent market intelligence organization that evaluates and recognizes standout technology companies, products and services in the supply chain technology and logistics industry around the globe.

OPEX Sure Sort X with OPEX Xtract, introduced in March 2024, represents the next generation of high-speed automated sortation and order retrieval solutions. It is a fully adaptable, turnkey offering designed to automate numerous manual tasks with a simple, one-touch approach.

“We’re honored to receive this prestigious award from SupplyTech Breakthrough,” said Alex Stevens, President of Warehouse Automation at OPEX. “Our goal in developing Sure Sort X with Xtract was to meet the evolving demands of the marketplace by delivering one integrated solution that sorts, retrieves, and dispenses items into a shipping container, without the intervention of a human operator. We’re incredibly proud that our teams’ unique and powerful solution has been recognized as the 2024 Sortation System Innovation of the Year.”

This year’s SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards program attracted thousands of nominations from over 15 different countries around the world.

“OPEX’s solutions significantly increase overall efficiency and directly address ongoing labor challenges. With the difficulty of attracting and retaining staff, automated sortation systems help to address this challenge while also improving workflows, from product arrival to sorting for picking, packaging, and shipping,” said Bryan Vaughn, Managing Director of SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards. “With OPEX Sure Sort X with Xtract, our Sortation System Innovation of the Year, the future of warehouse automation has arrived.”

OPEX Sure Sort X is a versatile and robust industrial sorting solution that can handle nearly 100% of customer-sortable items weighing up to 20 pounds (9 kilograms), and sort them into a configurable array of mixed bin sizes and types, all while maintaining a consistent throughput of up to 2,100 items per hour.

When Sure Sort X is paired with Xtract, an automated order retrieval system, the task of retrieving totes and transferring their contents into shipping containers is fully automated as well, eliminating the need to manually sort and transfer boxes downstream. Xtract can be added to any Sure Sort X system by introducing retrieval iBOTs to work in conjunction with the traditional sortation iBOTs found in Sure Sort X.

OPEX Sure Sort X with Xtract can accommodate multiple market vertical workflows and exponentially reduces the need for human interface.

About OPEX

OPEX® Corporation is a global leader in Next Generation Automation, providing innovative, unique solutions for warehouse, document and mail automation. With headquarters in Moorestown, NJ, USA—and facilities in Pennsauken, NJ; Plano, TX; France; Germany; Switzerland; the United Kingdom; and Australia—OPEX has more than 1,500 employees who are continuously reimagining and delivering customized, scalable technology solutions that solve the business challenges of today and in the future.

About SupplyTech Breakthrough

Part of the Tech Breakthrough organization, a leading global provider of market intelligence and recognition platforms for technology innovation and leadership, the SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards program is devoted to honoring innovation and market disruption in supply chain and logistics technologies, services, companies and products around the world. The annual SupplyTech Breakthrough Awards provide public recognition for the achievements of SupplyTech companies and products in categories including Inventory Management, Supply Chain Visibility, Transportation Management, Material Handling, IoT and Robotics, and more. For more information, visit SupplyTechBreakthrough.com

Tech Breakthrough LLC does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in our recognition programs, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with award designations. Tech Breakthrough LLC recognition consists of the opinions of the Tech Breakthrough LLC organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Tech Breakthrough LLC disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this recognition program, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240613810864/en/

Website: https://www.opex.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact OPEX Corporation
Laura Evans
+1.856.727.1100 x5012
[email protected]
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