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EIG’s MidOcean Energy Appoints Armand Lumens as CFO

· 등록일 May. 15, 2024 13:30

· 업데이트일 2024-05-16 00:00:12

WASHINGTON--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--MidOcean Energy (“MidOcean”), a liquefied natural gas (LNG) company formed and managed by EIG, a leading institutional investor in the global energy and infrastructure sectors, today announced the appointment of Armand Lumens as Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

(Photo: Business Wire) Mr. Lumens brings to MidOcean more than 30 years of highly relevant and broad expertise across M&A, private equity, business development, trading, financing, audit, risk management, venture capital, take-privates and initial public offerings.

“We are delighted to welcome Armand to the MidOcean team,” said De la Rey Venter, MidOcean’s CEO. “We’re confident in his ability to drive financial excellence and contribute to the company's continued growth and success. His wealth of expertise will be an invaluable asset as MidOcean continues to pursue its strategic objectives.”

Mr. Lumens said, “MidOcean is well positioned to make a significant impact on the energy transition through its expertise in and focus on LNG. I am thrilled to join De la Rey and the EIG team as it seeks to build a global LNG portfolio.”

Mr. Lumens most recently served as the Group CFO of Neptune Energy, where he played a pivotal role in developing and implementing the company's financial and IT strategies and achieving its operational success. Prior to his tenure at Neptune Energy, he held the position of Group CFO at Louis Dreyfus. Previously, Mr. Lumens spent more than 24 years at Shell, where he held various senior positions, including CFO of Shell Trading, Chief Internal Auditor and Head of Group External Reporting and Planning.

Mr. Lumens earned a Bachelor’s degree and an MBA from Maastricht University and an MSc in Finance from the London Business School. He is a Certified Internal Auditor and an alumnus of the Executive Leadership Program of IMD. Mr. Lumens is fluent in English, Dutch, French, German and Italian.

About EIG
EIG is a leading institutional investor in the global energy and infrastructure sectors with $24.7 billion under management as of March 31, 2024. EIG specializes in private investments in energy and energy-related infrastructure on a global basis. During its 42-year history, EIG has committed over $47.9 billion to the energy sector through 410 projects or companies in 42 countries on six continents. EIG’s clients include many of the leading pension plans, insurance companies, endowments, foundations and sovereign wealth funds in the U.S., Asia and Europe. EIG is headquartered in Washington, D.C. with offices in Houston, London, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong and Seoul.

About MidOcean Energy
MidOcean Energy, an LNG company formed and managed by EIG, seeks to build a diversified, resilient, cost and carbon competitive global LNG portfolio. It reflects EIG’s belief in LNG as a critical enabler of the energy transition and the growing importance of LNG as a geopolitically strategic energy resource. MidOcean Energy is headed by De la Rey Venter, a 26-year industry veteran who has held a variety of senior executive roles, including Global Head of LNG for Shell Plc.

For additional information, please visit EIG’s website at www.eigpartners.com or MidOcean Energy’s website at www.midoceanenergy.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240514998356/en/

Website: http://www.eigpartners.com View Korean version of this release This news is a press release provided by EIG Global Energy Partners. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. EIG Global Energy Partners News ReleasesSubscribeRSS EIG의 미드오션 에너지, 최고재무책임자에 아르망 루멘스 임명 에너지 및 인프라 부문의 선도적 기관투자자인 EIG가 설립 및 관리하는 글로벌 액화천연가스(LNG) 기업, 미드오션 에너지(MidOcean Energy, 이하 미드오션)가 아르망 루멘스(Armand Lumens)를 최고재무책임자로 임명했다고 오늘 발표했다. 루멘스는 M&A, 사모펀드, 사업 개발, 트레이딩, 재무, 감사, 리스크 ... 5월 15일 13:30 EIG’s MidOcean Energy Completes Acquisition of 20 Percent Stake in Peru LNG MidOcean Energy (“MidOcean” or the “Company”), a liquefied natural gas (LNG) company formed and managed by EIG, a leading institutional investor in the global energy and infrastructure sectors, today announced the completion of its previously announced agreement to acquire SK earthon’s ... 4월 24일 10:50 ... More  More News Heavy Industries Oil & Gas Personnel Anouncement Overseas EIG Global Energy... All News Releases 
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