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Landmark Report Proves That High Nicotine Use Does Not Lead to High Rates of Health Issues

· 등록일 May. 10, 2024 16:00

· 업데이트일 2024-05-10 16:45:08

STOCKHOLM--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--A new report released today in Stockholm by international health experts, “No Smoke, Less Harm” presents compelling evidence that despite similar levels of nicotine consumption, Sweden boasts significantly lower rates of tobacco-related diseases compared with other European nations.

The report, which was unveiled during an event organised by Smoke Free Sweden, a global health advocacy group, details rates of nicotine usage in Sweden and a number of comparable countries, finding that nicotine use was not a factor in tobacco-related disease.

Furthermore, the report provided further evidence that what does affect consumers’ health is the method of consumption. While using alternative products such as snus did not pose a significant risk, smoking is linked with a high incidence of death and disease.

While nicotine consumption in Sweden mirrors the European average, the country reports a 41% lower incidence of lung cancer and fewer than half the tobacco-related deaths of its European peers. This stark contrast is attributed to the widespread adoption of smoke free nicotine products such as snus, nicotine pouches and electronic cigarettes.

“This distinction between smoking and the use of smokeless products is crucial,” says Dr. Karl Fagerström, a public health expert and contributor to the report.

“While nicotine is addictive, it does not cause the serious diseases associated with smoking. Our findings support a shift in focus from cessation to substitution with less harmful alternatives for those unable to stop completely.”

Sweden’s proactive measures in public health education and regulatory frameworks have encouraged a transition to these alternatives, significantly impacting public health outcomes. The report points out that embracing similar harm reduction strategies could be pivotal for other nations striving to reduce the health impacts of tobacco.

Dr. Fagerström added, “The Swedish experience demonstrates that understanding and addressing public misperceptions about nicotine can lead to health policies that better protect and inform consumers.”

Notes to editors

The full report is available online at www.smokefreesweden.org - an executive summary is available at the following link (https://smokefreesweden.org/Executive%20Summary%20No%20Smoke%20Less%20Harm.pdf) and offers a detailed analysis of the data supporting Sweden’s health outcomes, along with recommendations for policymakers looking to adopt similar approaches in their countries.

About Smoke Free Sweden

Smoke Free Sweden is a movement that encourages other countries to follow the Swedish experience when it comes to Tobacco Harm Reduction. Sweden is about to become the first ‘smoke free’ European country, with a smoking rate of below five percent. This remarkable achievement can be attributed to Sweden’s open attitude towards alternative products.

For more information on Sweden’s successful approach to becoming a smoke free nation, please visit www.smokefreesweden.org.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240507966074/en/

Website: http://www.smokefreesweden.org View Korean version of this release Contact Smoke Free Sweden
Jessica Perkins
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Smoke Free Sweden. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Smoke Free Sweden News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 니코틴 소비량 증가가 건강 문제 발생률 높이지 않아… 새로운 연구 보고서 발표 국제 보건 전문가들이 오늘 스톡홀름에서 발표한 새로운 연구 보고서 ‘담배 연기가 없으면 유해성 감소(No Smoke, Less Harm)’를 통해 비슷한 수준의 니코틴 소비에도 불구하고 스웨덴이 다른 유럽 국가들에 비해 담배 관련 질병 발병률이 훨씬 낮다는 강력한 증거를 제시했다. 글로벌 건강 옹호 단체인 스모... 16:00 More News Society Social Welfare Government NGO Survey & Analysis Overseas Smoke Free Sweden All News Releases 
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