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NetApp Appoints Market Growth and Revenue Operations Leader, Dallas Olson to Chief Commercial Officer Role

· 등록일 May. 07, 2024 13:55

· 업데이트일 2024-05-08 00:01:45

SAN JOSE, CALIF.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP), the intelligent data infrastructure company, today announced Dallas Olson as the company’s new Chief Commercial Officer, reporting to NetApp’s President, César Cernuda. Olson brings over 25 years of experience building high-performance teams responsible for planning, operations, enablement, engagement, and go-to-market strategies.

As NetApp’s CCO, Olson will oversee sales strategy driving business growth in key areas including AI and Keystone through specialist teams, enhance market presence, optimize sales models, foster strategic partnerships, champion a customer-centric approach, and drive initiatives to maintain NetApp’s position as a market leader primed for accelerated growth.

“We’re thrilled for Dallas to join NetApp at a time of momentum for the company as we empower enterprises to make their data infrastructure intelligent with unified data storage built for innovation in the era of AI,” said César Cernuda, President at NetApp. “Olson’s previous achievements in fostering high-performance acceleration for multinational corporations, his adept leadership in guiding large organizations through tumultuous market shifts, and his track record of driving triple-digit growth for his teams render him the perfect candidate to provide exceptional value to our customers.”

Most recently, Olson led global go-to-market strategy and revenue operations for Cisco. Before that role, Olson served as Cisco’s Chief Operations Officer and Vice President for the Americas where he was responsible for strategy, planning, operations, enablement, engagement, and go-to-market efforts. Prior to that he held various leadership roles within Cisco including leading strategy & planning for its US Commercial group and leading enterprise software teams for Cisco’s WebEx Technology Group. Before his tenure at Cisco, Olson served as the Executive Director of Misys Allscripts’s corporate development team where he led merger, acquisition, and corporate strategy and was previously the global sales lead at DHL.

“Joining NetApp is an exciting and unique opportunity,” said Dallas Olson, Chief Commercial Officer at NetApp. “NetApp’s rich history of enabling innovation, and its ambition to continue to do so is inspiring. My focus will be on delivering a go-to-market strategy that continues to provide exceptional value to customers, and to turbo charge the company’s global growth trajectory. I look forward to making an impact and delivering meaningful change.”

About NetApp

NetApp is the intelligent data infrastructure company, combining unified data storage, integrated data services, and CloudOps solutions to turn a world of disruption into opportunity for every customer. NetApp creates silo-free infrastructure, harnessing observability and AI to enable the industry’s best data management. As the only enterprise-grade storage service natively embedded in the world’s biggest clouds, our data storage delivers seamless flexibility. In addition, our data services create a data advantage through superior cyber resilience, governance, and application agility. Our CloudOps solutions provide continuous optimization of performance and efficiency through observability and AI. No matter the data type, workload, or environment, with NetApp you can transform your data infrastructure to realize your business possibilities.

Learn more at www.netapp.com or follow us on X, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

NETAPP, the NETAPP logo, and the marks listed at www.netapp.com/TM are trademarks of NetApp, Inc. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240506598764/en/

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