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Data4Industry-X Bridging Industrial Data Ecosystems by Interfacing with OPC UA Protocol and using Eclipse Dataspace Components for a Sustainable & Competitive Industry

· 등록일 Apr. 22, 2024 17:05

· 업데이트일 2024-04-23 00:00:26

PARIS--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Data4Industry-X, the trusted data exchange solution for Industry, carries on its dynamics to bring the most comprehensive and flexible solution on the market for industrial organizations aiming at boosting competitiveness and minimizing carbon footprint. Recognized as a Gaia-X Lighthouse project and contributing to the Manufacturing-X initiative, the Data4Industry-X solution is designed to accelerate data & information exchange between global organizations, subsidiaries and suppliers by leveraging the most advanced, secure and compliant data exchange technology on the market.

Supported by the AIF (Alliance pour l’industrie du futur), and initially responding to the power generation and automotive markets, Data4Industry-X gathers technological & industrial expertise from Dawex, Schneider Electric, Valeo, CEA, and Prosyst, in order to deliver broad cross-border, cross-company, cross-factory industrial data exchanges.

Industrial organizations with plants, shop floors and suppliers, spread across the globe with decentralized manufacturing, are concerned by their ability to bring innovations and operational efficiencies to increase competitiveness, while reducing CO2 emissions to meet and report on their sustainability obligations.

With the objective to support the digital transformation of all industry stakeholders and create a compelling industry data ecosystem encompassing all sizes of organizations, Data4Industry-X solution relies on Dawex Data Exchange technology. The solution is based on open and cloud-agnostic architecture, to deliver a trusted, secure, sovereign and compliant data exchange environment that implements the Gaia-X de facto standards. Powered by this technology, the Data4Industry-X solution will use the Eclipse Dataspace Component framework to facilitate interoperability between data spaces. Additionally, thanks to the UDC (Unified Data Collector) Prosyst solution, Data4Industry-X interfaces with OPC UA protocol to retrieve industrial data and exchange them at scale with the broad ecosystem.

By relying on technological and industrial expertise, Data4Industry-X becomes the most agnostic, flexible and advanced data exchange solution for Industry, designed in compliance with the new European data regulations, such as the Data Act and the Data Governance Act, capable of operating in any industrial situation, with all types of companies.

The Data4Industry-X solution will bridge the entire industry data ecosystem by enabling large and small organizations in all sectors to exchange, distribute and valorize industrial data, securely, to ultimately improve operational efficiency and meet decarbonation objectives.

“Data4Industry-X pursues its dynamics to deploy the most advanced data exchange solution for the industry to accelerate innovation, better control carbon footprint, and gain competitive advantage thanks to data circulation.” said Laurent Lafaye, co-CEO at Dawex. “Data4Industry-X will ultimately empower all industry stakeholders, of all sizes, to engage into data exchange and contribute to fostering a resilient and sustainable industry ecosystem by benefiting from the full potential of data”.

Data4Industry-X is supported by the French government’s France 2030 initiative and the European program Next Generation.

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About Prosyst


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240421440918/en/

Website: https://www.dawex.com/en/ View Korean version of this release Contact Dawex
Vice President Communications & Marketing
Isabelle Joulot
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Dawex Systems. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Dawex Systems News ReleasesSubscribeRSS Data4Industry-X, 지속 가능하고 경쟁력 있는 산업을 위해 OPC UA 프로토콜 인터페이스 및 이클립스 데이터스페이스 컴포넌트를 통해 산업 데이터 생태계 연결 신뢰할 수 있는 산업 데이터 교환 솔루션인 Data4Industry-X 는 역동성을 이어가며 경쟁력 강화와 탄소 배출량 최소화를 목표로 하는 산업 조직들을 위한 가장 포괄적이고 유연한 솔루션을 시중에 내놓고 있다. 가이아-X 라이트하우스 (Gaia-X Lighthouse) 프로젝트로 인정받고 메뉴팩처링-X(Manufacturing-X)... 4월 22일 17:05 Bouygues Chooses Dawex’s Corporate Data Hub Solution to Create a Complete Internal Data Ecosystem PRESS RELEASE The Bouygues group has selected the technology from Dawex , the leader in data exchange solutions, for the roll-out of a Corporate Data Hub in order to set up a complete ecosystem for internal data within the Group. To address the challenges of internal data circulation, t... 2023년 12월 14일 17:28 ... More  More News Technology Computer Networking Internet Sales Promotion Overseas Dawex Systems All News Releases 
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