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The 25th Jeonju International Film Festival Opens on May 1st in Jeonju, Korea

· 등록일 Apr. 19, 2024 11:48

· 업데이트일 2024-04-20 00:00:31

JEONJU--(Korea Newswire)--This May, the 25th Jeonju International Film Festival takes place in Jeonju, the most Korean city. The festival will screen 232 independent, short, and alternative films from 43 countries.

The 25th Jeonju International Film Festival is to be held in Jeonju. (Photo: JEONJU CITY) JEONJU CITY (Mayor Woo Beom-ki) announced that the Jeonju International Film Festival, a beloved annual tradition in Jeonju, a major Asian tourist destination celebrated for its rich history and gastronomy, will present an enhanced program this year to mark its 25th anniversary.

Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the Jeonju International Film Festival embraces the theme “Beyond the Frame.” This slogan captures the festival's commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring new avenues. Curating diverse programs, venues, and events, the festival fosters a network between independent filmmakers and the local film industry. It also upholds its unique spirit of exploration and innovation.

Running from May 1st to 10th, the Jeonju International Film Festival opens with “All the Long Nights” (2024) by Miyake Sho and concludes with “Matt and Mara” (2024) by Kazik Radwanski. During the festival, a total of 232 films will be screened, including 162 feature films and 70 short films, all chosen through competitive processes. This selection boasts 10 films each in the international competition, Korean competition, and a special category for barrier-free films.

A special exhibition titled “See Again: 25+50” co-hosted with the Korean Film Archive, celebrating its 50th anniversary, is a highlight this year. The exhibition showcases the early works of renowned Korean directors like Ryu Seung-wan, Bong Joon-ho, Jeong Ji-woo, and Hong Sang-soo, alongside the latest digital restorations of classic Korean films, including “The Widow” (1955) by Korea's pioneering female director Park Nam-ok, and “Mist” (1967) by Kim Su-yong.

To mark the 10th anniversary of the festival‘s signature exhibition, “’100 Films 100 Posters,'” a special Pixar showcase co-created with Disney will be presented.

Various exciting ancillary events, like film archive exhibitions, will be held at Jeonju's top tourist spots.

“The Jeonju International Film Festival has become a cornerstone cultural event in Asia,” declares Woo Beom-ki, Chairman of the Film Festival Organizing Committee. “We aim to be a catalyst for the global film industry‘s growth, further solidifying Jeonju’s position as a major player on the international film scene.”

Website: http://www.jeonju.go.kr Contact JEONJU CITY
Ho-jin Park
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