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Efinix’s Titanium Ti375 Sampling; Unlocking and Delivering Mainstream Edge Intelligence Innovation

· 등록일 Apr. 08, 2024 13:45

· 업데이트일 2024-04-08 13:52:25

CUPERTINO, CALIF.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Efinix®, an innovator in programmable logic solutions, today announced its Titanium Ti375 high performance FPGA is now shipping in sample quantities to early access customers.

Titanium Ti375 (Graphic: Efinix) “With today’s proliferation and diversity of applications, there is an insatiable demand for high compute performance and low power in a footprint that can be deployed at the far edge,” said Efinix Co-founder, CEO and President Sammy Cheung. “The Titanium family of FPGAs, particularly the Ti375, is unique in being able to satisfy these requirements and an absolute game changer.”

The Ti375 is manufactured in an advanced 16 nm process node. Titanium FPGAs deliver performance and efficiency through high-density, low power and high compute in small package footprints ranging from 35,000-to-1 million logic elements. Ti375, with a capacity of 375K logic elements, features:

· Quad-Core Hardened RISC-V block at over 1GHz with Linux capable MMU, FPU and custom instruction capability
· Quad SerDes transceivers supporting up to 16 Gbps raw data rates with multiple protocols, including PCIe® 4.0, Ethernet SGMII and Ethernet 10GBase-KR protocols, as well as PMA Direct mode
· Dual Embedded PCIe Gen4x4 controllers supporting root complex and end point with SRIOV (Single Root I/O Virtualization) and dual hardened LPDDR4/4X DRAM controllers for high bandwidth access to external memory

“The Titanium family of FPGAs has set a new value bar for us in the imaging marketplace. The power and performance points have allowed us to innovate and extend our leadership position with our camera platforms,” said Jan Hartmann, managing director of industrial camera manufacturer IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH. “The Ti375 elevates that value bar once again, delivering high speed SerDes and compute capability in a small, low power footprint. Efinix continues to deliver against the promise of its revolutionary architecture.”

The Titanium Ti375 FPGA solution enables a wide variety of applications spanning machine vision, video bridges, automotive and communications, to name a few.

“Our Titanium Ti375 makes custom silicon obsolete, making it ideal for the rapidly evolving models used in AI, and will be instrumental in delivering against the requirements for edge intelligence,” said Mark Oliver, Efinix vice president of marketing. “By delivering a unique power, performance, size combination, Ti375 will support edge AI from lab to production, and beyond.”

In conjunction with embedded world Exhibition & Conference kicking off tomorrow in Nuremberg, Germany, Efinix representatives will be conducting live demos of the Titanium Ti375. Visit Efinix at booth 4-549 in Hall 4.

About Efinix

Efinix®, an innovator in programmable products, is committed to delivering the low power and reconfigurability of its high-performance Titanium FPGA silicon platforms for applications in the mainstream market. Efinix FPGAs deliver power, performance, and area advantages over traditional FPGA technologies, unlocking new applications and delivering rapid time to market. Titanium devices range from 35K to 1M logic elements, have a small form-factor, low-power, and are priced for high-volume production. The Efinity® Integrated Development Environment provides a complete FPGA design suite from RTL to bitstream. For more information, visit http://www.efinixinc.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240401675642/en/

Website: http://www.efinixinc.com View Korean version of this release Contact Relevanz Public Relations for Efinix
Steve Stratz
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Efinix. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Efinix News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 에피닉스, Titanium Ti375 샘플 출하… 메인스트림 에지 인텔리전스 혁신 실현 프로그래머블 로직 솔루션 분야의 혁신 기업인 에피닉스(Efinix®) 는 고성능 FPGA인 티타늄(Titanium) Ti375 를 얼리 액세스 고객에게 샘플 수량으로 출하 중이라고 오늘 발표했다. 에피닉스의 공동 설립자, 최고경영자 겸 사장인 새미 청(Sammy Cheung)은 “오늘날 애플리케이션의 확산과 다양성으로 원격 에... 13:45 Efinix Rolls Out Line of FPGAs to Accelerate and Adapt Automotive Designs and Applications Efinix® , an innovator in programmable logic solutions, today announced a line of FPGA solutions designed specifically for the automotive industry to drive forward the long-term design and development of the rapidly growing numbers of electronic applications in-and-outside vehicles. The... 3월 25일 16:35 ... More  More News Technology Semiconductor Electronic Components New Product Overseas Efinix All News Releases 
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