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Black Hat Announces David Koh and Ruimin He as Keynote Speakers for Black Hat Asia 2024

· 등록일 Apr. 04, 2024 13:50

· 업데이트일 2024-04-05 00:02:22

SINGAPORE--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Black Hat, the cybersecurity industry’s most established and in-depth security event series, today announced David Koh and Ruimin He as Keynote speakers for the Black Hat Asia 2024 event. The Keynote speakers will present on Thursday, April 18 and Friday, April 19 to kick off each day of Briefings at the Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre in Singapore.

Black Hat Asia 2024 Keynote Lineup:

· David Koh is Singapore’s first Commissioner of Cybersecurity and the founding Chief Executive of the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore. He is concurrently Chief (Digital Security & Technology) at the Ministry of Communications and Information. As Commissioner, he has the legal authority to investigate cyber threats and incidents to ensure that essential services are not disrupted in the event of a cyber attack. As Chief Executive of CSA, he leads Singapore’s efforts to provide dedicated and centralized oversight of national cybersecurity functions. As Chief (Digital Security & Technology), he oversees digital security policy and technology capability development in the Ministry of Communications and Information. Koh will present his talk on Thursday, April 18 at 9:00 AM.

· Ruimin He is Singapore’s Chief Artificial Intelligence (AI) Officer, where he leads a multi-stakeholder effort to achieve Singapore’s strategic AI objectives, including developing and implementing Singapore’s national AI strategy. He is concurrently the Singaporean government’s Deputy Chief Digital Technology Officer, and a member of the United Nations High-level Advisory Body on AI. He will present his talk with Jeff Moss, Founder of Black Hat and DEF CON conferences, former Chief Security Officer and VP at ICANN, and current member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council. Their talk will feature a fireside chat format, include discussion around the similarities and differences between AI and previous waves of digitalization, and take place on Friday, April 19 at 9:00 AM.

Top Sponsors and Partners of Black Hat Asia 2024 include:

· Diamond Sponsors: Pentera.io, Appdome, and Upwind Security.
· Platinum Sponsors: KnowBe4 and Snyk.
· Sustaining Partners: Armis, Axonius, CrowdStrike, KnowBe4, ManageEngine, Qualys, SentinelOne, Snyk, Sophos, Sysdig, and Trend Micro.
· Global Partners: Armis, KnowBe4, Snyk, Swimlane, and Varonis.

For registration and additional information on Black Hat Asia 2024, please visit www.blackhat.com/asia-24.

About Black Hat

Black Hat is the cybersecurity industry’s most established and in-depth security event series. Founded in 1997, these annual, multi-day events provide attendees with the latest in cybersecurity research, development, and trends. Driven by the needs of the community, Black Hat events showcase content directly from the community through Briefings presentations, Trainings courses, Summits, and more. As the event series where all career levels and academic disciplines convene to collaborate, network, and discuss the cybersecurity topics that matter most to them, attendees can find Black Hat events in the United States, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia. For more information, please visit www.blackhat.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240402673581/en/

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Stephanie DeAngelo
PR & Communications Manager
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Black Hat. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Black Hat News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 블랙 햇, 블랙 햇 아시아 2024의 기조 연설자로 데이비드 코와 루이민 허 선정 사이버 보안 업계에서 가장 확고하고 심층적인 보안 이벤트 시리즈인 블랙햇(Black Hat) 이 오늘 ‘블랙햇 아시아 2024(Black Hat Asia 2024)’ 행사의 기조 연설자로 데이비드 코(David Koh)와 루이민 허(Ruimin He)를 발표했다 기조 연설자들은 4월 18일(목)과 4월 19일(금)에 싱가포르의 마리나 베이 샌즈 엑... 4월 4일 13:50 Black Hat Asia 2024 Announces Summit Schedule Black Hat , the cybersecurity industry’s most established and in-depth security event series, today announced the release of its schedule of Summits for Black Hat Asia 2024. The live, in-person event will take place from April 16 to April 19 at the Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Cen... 3월 21일 10:10 ... More  More News Technology Information Security Event Overseas Black Hat All News Releases 
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