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Ventiva Announces Partnership with Clarion for Mass Production of ICE Electronics Manufacturing Expansion in Malaysia

· 등록일 Mar. 20, 2024 16:10

· 업데이트일 2024-03-21 00:14:17

FREMONT, CALIF.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Ventiva, a leading company in active cooling solutions for electronic devices, today announced its partnership with Crystal Precision (M) Sdn. Bhd., a member of Clarion (Malaysia) Group of Companies, to manufacture its unique Ionic Cooling Engine (ICE) technology. This partnership will enable large scale shipments starting in 2025.

A dedicated production line in Crystal Precision’s 40000-square-foot factory will be equipped to produce up to four million units per month. Ventiva will leverage the factory’s stringent universally recognized International Automotive Task Force / IATF 16949: 2016 quality management certification, initially developed for the automotive industry, that promotes continual business improvement, helps prevent defects, and reduces variation and waste in the supply chain.

“The partnership with Crystal Precision is a testament to the quality and accuracy we require to scale ICE into the large volumes necessary to support our design wins,” said Carl Schlachte, CEO, chairman, and director of Ventiva. “Our expansion into Asia is a natural next step as we ramp up our manufacturing capabilities.”

ICE®️ is a groundbreaking thermal management technology that silently and intelligently enables heat transfer, enabling a new era of thin, lightweight, ultra-compact electronic devices. Currently targeted at laptop computers, Ventiva delivers thermal subsystems for up to 30 watts of Thermal Design Power (TDP).

Tan Teong Khin, Crystal Precision’s director, said, “We are excited to partner with Ventiva. We have long supported Ventiva during the development of ICE and are proud to help ensure quality and affordability as we bring this advanced thermal solution to mass production.”

Built on the principle of electrohydrodynamic airflow, ICE®️ eliminates the only moving part in electronic devices, the fan, and uses the power of a minuscule plasma field to generate air movement. This technical breakthrough effectively addresses the limitations in traditional electronic thermal management techniques.

About Ventiva

Ventiva, a leading company in active cooling solutions for electronic devices, enables thinner, faster, and cooler high-performance devices that are lightweight, silent, and vibration-free. The company’s patented ICE®️ technology is a pioneering all-electronic heat transfer technology created to address the thermal problems exacerbated by modern high-performance semiconductor design. © 2024. Ventiva, Inc. All rights reserved. Ventiva and ICE are registered trademarks and trademarks of Ventiva, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240319805815/en/

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Amy Akmal
Townsend Team
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Ventiva. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Ventiva News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 벤티바, 클라리온과 말레이시아에서의 ICE 전자 제조능력 확장 위한 양산 파트너십 체결 전자기기용 능동 냉각 솔루션의 선도적 기업인 벤티바(Ventiva) 는 오늘 클라리온(말레이시아) 그룹 업 컴퍼니스(Clarion(Malaysia) Group of Companies)의 멤버인 크리스탈 프리시전(M)(Crystal Precision(M) Sdn. Bhd.)과 파트너십을 맺고 고유한 이온 냉각 엔진(Ionic Cooling Engine, ICE) 기술을 만든다... 3월 20일 16:10 More News Technology Electronic Components Alliance Overseas Ventiva All News Releases 
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