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Crayon Achieves the AWS Generative AI Competency

· 등록일 Mar. 14, 2024 14:55

· 업데이트일 2024-03-14 15:24:13

OSLO, NORWAY--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Crayon, a global leader in innovation and IT services, announced today that it has achieved the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Generative AI Competency. This specialization recognizes Crayon as an AWS Partner that helps customers and the AWS Partner Network (APN) drive the advancement of services, tools, and infrastructure pivotal for implementing generative AI technologies.

Achieving the AWS Generative AI Competency differentiates Crayon as an AWS Partner that has demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success as it has spent the last 10 years delivering applied AI projects across multiple industries. Crayon possesses the experience and expertise demonstrated through successful projects addressing customer challenges using generative AI solutions. These solutions enable digital transformation strategies for augmenting the customer experience, delivering hyper-personalized and engaging content, streamlining workflows, and delivering actionable results powered by generative AI technology from AWS.

“The effective use of AI is quickly becoming a key indicator of a successful company and is changing the way we process and understand data,” said Crayon CEO Melissa Mulholland. “This is why we’re extremely proud to achieve the AWS Generative AI Competency at launch as an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner. We look forward to working with our customers to help them achieve their true potential with AI.”

The AWS Competency Program aims to assist customers in connecting with AWS Partners who possess extensive knowledge and technical expertise in using AWS technologies and best practices to adopt generative AI. These AWS Partners facilitate the seamless integration and deployment of AWS-based solutions to meet the unique needs of all customers, from startups to global enterprises.

One such example is Crayon’s work with Savills, a global real estate company. Crayon developed an Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) to enable Savills leadership to stay updated on the latest real estate trends and opportunities. The IDSS is a fully customized intelligent search tool powered by Amazon Kendra, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Translate and other AWS services to identify new business opportunities and help Savills stay ahead of the curve in their industry.

Crayon is working together with AWS to help companies elevate their business potential, spark innovation, and maximize efficiency.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240313235688/en/

Website: https://www.crayon.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact Crayon
Melanie Coffee
+47 46 748648
[email protected]
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