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Former IAM Editor-in-Chief Takes Key Role at Sisvel

· 등록일 Jan. 12, 2024 09:30

· 업데이트일 2024-01-12 11:42:08

LUXEMBOURG--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Sisvel Group, Europe’s largest patent pool operator, has named Joff Wild as its first-ever Head of Content and Strategic Communications. Wild joins the firm after recently retiring from a 30-year career in journalism. During this time, he founded leading IP business information platform IAM and served as its editor-in-chief from 2003 to 2021.

Based in the UK, Wild will work with other members of the Sisvel team to create new offerings for the firm’s extensive list of partners, as well as to share its wide-ranging technical, legal, dealmaking and strategic expertise with the broader patent community and policy makers.

“I have been following Sisvel’s progress for well over a decade and have watched it grow into a great global business,” Wild says. “It has an incredible track record of working with brilliant innovators to build dynamic, flexible patent licensing programmes that open-up world-class technologies to a wide range of organisations. I am excited to get the opportunity to help tell this story and to ensure that Sisvel’s unique voice is heard clearly as debates about the future of IP intensify.”

Sisvel President Mattia Fogliacco believes that Wild’s appointment is a clear statement of the firm’s ambition and of its commitment to shaping the patent licensing landscape. “We are delighted that Joff has joined us and see his arrival as a further important staging post in our development,” he states. “Joff’s perspective and experience will prove invaluable as we continue to create solutions to the increasingly complex realities of making cutting-edge technology available in ways that work for both its creators and implementers.”

Sisvel currently runs 15 licensing programmes covering a diverse range of technologies, including mobile communications, the Internet of Things, WiFi, audio and video coding, and digital and video broadcasting. Since its foundation in 1982, it has returned well over $1 billion in royalties to its licensor partners.

About Sisvel

Sisvel is driven by a belief in the importance of collaboration, ingenuity and efficiency to bridge the needs of patent owners and those who wish to access their technologies. In a complex and constantly evolving marketplace, our guiding principle is to create a level playing field with the development and implementation of flexible, accessible, commercialisation solutions.

Sisvel - We Power Innovation


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240109488693/en/

Website: https://sisvel.com View Korean version of this release Contact Sisvel Group
Giulia Dini
Communications Manager
+34 93 131 5570
[email protected]
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