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Andersen Global Adds Member Firm in Serbia

· 등록일 Jan. 10, 2024 18:08

· 업데이트일 2024-01-10 19:11:15

SAN FRANCISCO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Andersen Global adds complementary tax and business advisory capabilities to its existing platform in Serbia with the addition of Andersen Savjetovanje d.o.o. (Andersen in Serbia).

Led by Managing Partner Miro Senica, Andersen in Serbia delivers a range of tax and advisory services, including VAT advisory, transfer pricing, corporate and indirect tax compliance, tax dispute resolution, due diligence, financial restructuring, anti-money laundering, mergers and acquisitions, and transaction services.

“In an increasingly intricate business environment, the importance of client-centric, integrated solutions has never been more pronounced,” Miro said. “We look forward to working alongside the member and collaborating firms of Andersen Global to provide comprehensive solutions and bring significant value to our clients both regionally and globally.”

“The addition of Andersen in Serbia demonstrates our commitment to building a global multidisciplinary organization and maintaining our competitive edge in the region,” said Andersen Global Chairman and Andersen CEO Mark Vorsatz. “This team of professionals is well equipped to meet the evolving global demands of our clients.”

Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax and legal professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 15,000 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 425 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240109563432/en/

Website: http://global.andersen.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact Andersen Global
Megan Tsuei
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