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Afiniti Appoints Mike Myshrall as Its CFO

· 등록일 Jan. 07, 2024 12:45

· 업데이트일 2024-01-10 19:16:23

WASHINGTON--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Afiniti, a leading customer experience (CX) artificial intelligence (AI) applications and infrastructure provider, announces the appointment of Mike Myshrall as Chief Financial Officer.

Afiniti announces the appointment of Mike Myshrall as Chief Financial Officer. (Photo: Business Wire) “I am delighted that Mike is joining our leadership team as CFO,” said Hassan Afzal, CEO of Afiniti. “His experience with high-growth technology companies will be a huge asset as we continue to expand our CX AI optimization services and infrastructure offering for enterprises around the world.”

Mr. Myshrall is a seasoned CFO with a strong background in both the public and private equity sectors. He is a hands-on leader who specializes in strategic growth and possesses extensive knowledge of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and annual recurring revenue (ARR) business models and metrics.

Mr. Myshrall has a proven track record of driving financial success in dynamic and fast-paced environments, and extensive experience in leading global teams.

“I am thrilled to be joining Afiniti, an extremely innovative AI technology company with impressive talent,” said Mr. Myshrall. “As CFO, I am excited to partner with Hassan and the leadership team to help execute on Afiniti's high-growth strategic plan, as well as to serve its employees, investors and enterprise customers. Afiniti leverages all of the positions I have held and experiences I have had throughout my professional career.”

Prior to joining Afiniti, Mr. Myshrall was CFO at PrimePay, a leading SaaS technology and services provider in the US. Before PrimePay, he spent ten years at Cyren, a publicly-traded global cybersecurity company with Finance and Accounting teams in the US, Europe and the Middle East. Mr. Myshrall has also worked as a management consultant and investment banker in the telecom and software sectors and holds an MBA from Harvard University and a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick.

About Afiniti

Afiniti is a leading provider of customer experience (CX) artificial intelligence (AI). Our CX AI optimization services and infrastructure deliver measurably better business outcomes for some of the largest enterprises in the world. Our technology is used globally in the healthcare, telecommunications, hospitality, insurance, and banking industries, and across multiple customer experience channels. To learn more, visit www.afiniti.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240105433134/en/

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