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ACI World and Cirium Partner on Landmark Data Collaboration to Strengthen World’s Leading Airport Service Quality Program

· 등록일 Dec. 17, 2023 10:40

· 업데이트일 2023-12-17 15:22:58

MONTREAL--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Airports Council International (ACI) World and Cirium, a global leader in aviation data analytics, begin a landmark collaboration to strengthen the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) program—the world’s leading airport customer experience measurement and benchmarking program.

ACI World and Cirium partner on landmark data collaboration to strengthen world’s leading Airport Service Quality program (Photo: Business Wire) The ASQ program’s methodology is renowned for its robustness, ensuring the most accurate representation of airport traffic. In recognizing the critical role that flight databases play in the assessment of respondent sampling, Cirium will serve as the reference database for flights supporting the ASQ methodology—solidifying the ASQ program’s commitment to accuracy and reliability. Cirium’s core platform provides details on more than 35 million flights per year and covers 97% of scheduled flights worldwide.

Compared to other programs in the aviation industry, the ASQ program is based on live research via surveys gathered at the airport—direct from the traveller—rating their satisfaction on the day of travel. It serves as the basis for the annual ASQ Awards which recognize the best airports for customer experience worldwide, as selected by passengers.

ACI World Director General Luis Felipe de Oliveira said: “With close to 400 participating airports in 95 countries, more than half of the world’s travellers pass through an Airport Service Quality (ASQ) airport—highlighting both the relevancy and popularity of the program and airports’ commitment to the passenger experience. Partnering with Cirium, a global leader in aviation data analytics, makes business sense: we are two organizations known for the accuracy of our data and the rigorousness of our methodology and analyses. Leveraging Cirium’s database for flights not only strengthens the operational aspects of the ASQ program, but also establishes a foundation for collaborative growth and innovation within the aviation industry.”

Cirium CEO Jeremy Bowen said: “Our partnership with ACI World signifies our commitment to providing best-in-class data and analytics to the global aviation industry. The industry already relies on our extensive and trusted schedules data, but the partnership with ACI World will provide even more extensive coverage through the ASQ program and greatly benefit the participating airports and travellers alike.”

About ACI

Airports Council International (ACI), the trade association of the world’s airports, is a federated organization comprising ACI World, ACI Africa, ACI Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, ACI EUROPE, ACI Latin America and the Caribbean and ACI North America. In representing the best interests of airports during key phases of policy development, ACI makes a significant contribution toward ensuring a global air transport system that is safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally sustainable. As of January 2023, ACI serves 712 members, operating 1925 airports in 171 countries.

About Cirium

Cirium is the world’s most trusted source of aviation analytics. Through powerful data and analytics, coupled with decades of industry experience, Cirium is enabling airlines, airports, travel companies, aircraft manufacturers, and financial institutions, amongst others, to make intelligent and informed decisions that improve operations, grow revenues, and enhance customer experiences.

Cirium is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. The shares of RELX PLC are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX.

For further information please follow Cirium updates on LinkedIn or visit www.cirium.com.

Editor notes

1. Learn more about the ACI Airport Service Quality (ASQ) program.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231215816110/en/

Website: https://www.cirium.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact ACI World
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Director, Communications
+1 514 373 1254
[email protected]

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Director of Communications
[email protected]
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