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Adani Green Energy Ranks Among Top 3 Global Solar PV Developer

· 등록일 Dec. 07, 2023 14:10

· 업데이트일 2023-12-07 15:02:50

AHMEDABAD, INDIA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL), India’s largest and one of the world’s leading renewable energy solutions partner, has attained the remarkable position of the second-largest global solar PV developer, in Mercom Capital Group's latest Annual Global Report.

Adani Green Energy Ranks Among Top 3 Global Solar PV Developer (Graphic: Business Wire) According to the report, AGEL‘s outstanding performance and contribution to the renewable energy landscape have earned it the prestigious second rank among the world’s foremost solar PV developers. With an impressive total solar capacity of 18.1 GW encompassing operational, under-construction, and awarded (PPA-contracted) projects, AGEL solidifies its significant position in the global solar energy sector. With a total capacity of 41.3 GW, France-based TotalEnergies emerged at the top.

Speaking on the ranking, Gautam Adani, Chairman, Adani Group, said, “We are committed to largescale renewables, developing an indigenous fully integrated manufacturing ecosystem and green hydrogen solutions. At the Adani portfolio level, a total investment of $75 billion (by 2030) on our energy transition initiatives will further our vision to have 45 GW renewable energy capacity by 2030 and strengthen the pivotal role played by AGEL in India’s glide path to decarbonization.”

Mercom Capital Group, a reputable clean energy communications and research firm, has unveiled its report outlining the top ten leading global large-scale solar PV developers based on data compiled from July 2022 to June 2023. It includes data of projects with more than 1 MW capacity encompassing operational capacity, projects under construction and projects with awarded Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

More about the report

The top 10 developers accounted for 145 GW of operational, under-construction, and awarded (PPA-contracted) solar projects during the reporting period. Of this, 49.5 GW of projects were operational, 29.1 MW were under construction, and 66.2 GW were in pipeline (PPA-contracted).

The full report, Leading Global Large-Scale Solar PV Developers, is available here.

About Adani Green Energy Limited

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231206176370/en/

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