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M1 Selects CSG Ascendon to Power Its Digital B2B

· 등록일 Nov. 30, 2023 14:51

· 업데이트일 2023-11-30 16:02:51

SINGAPORE--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--The Singaporean telecommunications market is one of the world’s most competitive and mature, driven by the first standalone 5G network and a massive wireless broadband penetration rate. To offer a differentiated customer experience, M1 Limited (M1), Singapore’s first digital network operator, selected CSG®‘s (NASDAQ: CSGS) highly scalable cloud-native platform to improve efficiency and tap into new revenue streams across industries. This transformation elevates and future-proofs M1’s enterprise business and boosts the customer experience.

M1 & CSG Signing Ceremony - Partnering to Innovate and Transform Tomorrow's Telecom. (Photo: Business Wire) “M1 is in the midst of digital transformation to ensure we are future-ready,” said Jan Morgenthal, Chief Digital Officer, M1. “CSG‘s innovative SaaS platform will empower M1 with cloud capabilities to boost our pace of innovation and raise our level of agility when it comes to addressing evolving market demands and delivering sustainable growth in the enterprise segment. With its unique understanding of our customers’ needs and expertise in enterprise monetization, CSG will also enable us to differentiate our business and enhance our enterprise customer experience.”

CSG Ascendon, hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), empowers M1 to reshape best practices in B2B with cloud-powered customer experiences that share the same level of ease and personalization as consumer experiences. Quarterly software updates make it easy for M1 to keep up with the pace of change, while streamlined offer management allows for rapid new service launches. These improvements enable M1 to manage an expanding ecosystem of B2B2X relationships and drive growth through partnerships like the National Heritage Board, monetizing the demand for immersive experiences in arts, entertainment and recreation. In doing so, M1 creates a foundation for a future of scalable growth and evolves and transforms Singapore’s telecommunications landscape.

“Enterprises expect the same level of ease and personalization they experience as consumers, and all industries feel this pressure,” said Ian Watterson, SVP and Head of APAC, CSG. “CSG’s SaaS platform, combined with M1’s visionary approach, enables them to reimagine best practices for enterprise experiences in the Singaporean telecommunications market and exceed consumer-like expectations with experiences that have them come back for more. It's an honor to be trusted by M1 as their only provider for enterprise billing and future-proof the growth engine in their portfolio as we embark on a new era of change in our +15 years of collaboration.”

CSG Ascendon empowers leading global brands to monetize, manage and market any service to any customer faster than the competition. It helps them launch, learn from and scale offerings to stay relevant, build brand loyalty and maintain an enduring customer base across B2C, B2B and B2B2X environments.

About CSG

CSG empowers companies to build unforgettable experiences, making it easier for people and businesses to connect with, use and pay for the services they value most. Our customer experience, billing and payments solutions help companies of any size make money and make a difference. With our SaaS solutions, company leaders can take control of their future and tap into guidance along the way from our fiercely committed and forward-thinking CSGers around the world.

Want to be future-ready and a change-maker like the global brands that trust CSG? Visit csgi.com to learn more.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231129944288/en/

Website: https://www.csgi.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact CSG
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Public Relations
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Investor Relations
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